Rupee Cost Averaging


RCA involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the market’s ups and downs. This means buying more units when the price is low and fewer units when the price is high. Over time, this averages out your cost per unit, potentially mitigating the impact of market swings.

How to get started with RCA

If you’re interested in trying RCA, here are some tips:

Choose the right investment: Select a Mutual Fund or other investment option that aligns with your risk tolerance and Investment Goals.

Set a budget: Determine how much you can comfortably invest on a regular basis.

Automate your Investments: Many platforms allow you to set up automatic investments, removing the hassle of remembering each month.

Be patient: RCA requires a long-term commitment. Don’t get discouraged by short-term fluctuations; focus on the long-term benefits

How does it work?

Imagine you decide to invest Rs. 1,000 every month in a mutual fund.

High market: In a month when the NAV (net asset value) is Rs. 100, you buy 10 units (1,000/100).

Low market: In a month when the NAV drops to Rs. 50, you buy 20 units (1,000/50).

By consistently investing fixed amounts, you accumulate more units when the price is low and fewer when it’s high, effectively lowering your average cost per unit.

Benefits of RCA:

Reduces impact of market volatility: RCA protects you from the emotional trap of investing more when the market is high and less when it’s low. It helps you avoid buying into peak prices and potentially benefit from market corrections.

Promotes discipline: Setting up a recurring investment automatically like an SIP enforces discipline, which can be crucial for long-term success in the market.

Compounded returns: By purchasing more units at lower prices, you automatically compound your returns over time, potentially boosting your long-term wealth.


Is RCA strategy better than lump sum investments?

 It depends. Lump sum investments can offer higher initial returns, but RCA helps mitigate risk and potentially build wealth over the long term.

Can I stop RCA in the middle?

Yes, you can stop it at any time. However, remember that consistency is key to reaping the benefits of RCA.

Is RCA suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Its simplicity and risk-reduction make it a great starting point for new investors.


RCA is a valuable tool for navigating market volatility and building wealth over time. However, it’s important to do your research, understand its limitations, and choose investments that align with your financial goals. With proper planning and discipline, RCA can help you conquer market uncertainty and achieve your investment aspirations.